Technical Articles

Listed below are articles (in PDF format) written by members of the New England photography community on a variety of different subjects. To read an article, simply click anywhere within the box displaying the article and it will appear in a separate window or download as a PDF depending on how your computer is configured. Articles are arranged in descending order by publication date.

We welcome articles on photography. If you know a subject well, please write it up, preferably as a Microsoft Word file, and send it to Paul Smith, our new Editor of Online Content at Since we're not limited by printed material, your article can be as long as needed to explain your subject and you're encouraged to include diagrams and photographs to illustrate it. I know we have many knowledgeable photographers who could contribute to this effort which will help all members of NECCC clubs.

Submission of article(s) assumes permission to use by NECCC.  Submitter must be the copyright owner (i.e. the author).

Please Note: Articles are copyright by the respective authors and may not be reprinted or published without the express permission of the author.

Publication Date Article Title & Author

Dec. 5, 2011

8 Tips for Printing Inkjet Greeting Cards by Red River Paper. Includes tutorials and videos.

Aug. 8, 2011

Digital Infrared Photography by Vega Buchbinder. The advent of digital cameras has made infrared photography relatively easily accessible. More…

Aug. 8, 2011

Discover the Fine Art of the Black and White Photograph by Janice Wendt, Nik Software. The fine art of B&W cannot be achieved without knowing your tools. More…

Winter 2010-2011

Hunting in the Forest by Ray Guillette, MNEC. Photography in the forest can be very rewarding. More…

Spring 2010

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging by Paul Smith. There are some scenes that are too high in contrast to capture in just one frame. More…

Winter 2009-2010

A Few Night Photo Tips by Robert B. Gorrill, APSA, MNEC. Moon lit landscapes in snowy rural areas, brilliant lights of the city and urban landscape, the beauty of a light house and the sea bathed in moonlight are just a few of the wonderful images that we can capture at night. More…

Fall 2008

Shark Dive 2008 by Jessica Vasale. It was 2:30 in the morning and my alarm clock was going off and, as I dragged myself out of bed, I was excited… More…

Spring 2008

Dealing with a Color Cast by Rick Cloran FPSA, MNEC. In this digital age, one thing that seems certain is that there are a dozen or so ways to almost anything in Photoshop. More…

Spring 2008

The Freeman Patterson Effect by Rick Cloran, FPSA, MNEC. We have all admired those soft, dreamy images that masters like Ray Guillette, Andre Gallant, Jake and others have shown from time to time. More…

Winter 2007-2008

Digital Presentation Checklist by Robert B. Gorrill, APSA, MNEC. We have all either experienced or witnessed the embarrassment of a presenter at a camera club either having problems with the slide projector… More…

Fall 2006

Seeing at the Beach by Ray Guillette, MNEC. On a beach somewhere on the coast of Rhode Island… More…